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事故发生后, it’s important to make sure that your rights are upheld and that you aren’t taken advantage of by any insurance companies you may be dealing with. 在肖邦律师事务所, we are proud to employ attorneys who have made a name for themselves in New Orleans and throughout the Louisiana area for their professionalism, 经验, 和技能. 在与大型保险公司打交道时,我们的律师不会被吓倒. 我们在谈判双方都有丰富的经验. This 经验 gives the firm an insider’s point of view into the tactics and strategies insurance companies commonly use to undermine the value of our clients’ claims. We are then able to effectively remain a step or two ahead of the opposition throughout the course of case proceedings.

肖邦律师事务所 can effectively handle a variety of property damage and insurance cases. 365bet 今天免费进行案例评估!


肖邦律师事务所 is able to represent both individuals and businesses in claims regarding residential and commercial property damage that resulted from storm damage, 冰雹, 火, 洪水, 或者风灾.


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Our team can investigate the damage you have 经验d and work to discover whether or not your claim has been interpreted fairly.

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If you have 经验d unreasonable negotiations with the insurance companies involved in your claim, 肖邦律师事务所有限责任公司可以提供帮助. 我们理解严重财产损失可能带来的沮丧和挫折. 我们的目标是帮你找回本该属于你的东西, 让你的财产重新恢复完整.

在与我们公司的免费案例咨询中了解更多关于您的法律选择. 凭借五十年的综合法律经验,我们可以有效地为您辩护. 呼叫 (504) 475-2429 今天!

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